"Any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious."

Vince Lombardi (1913 - 1970)
Hall of Fame football coach

"Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."

Matthew 7:7

"As you go along your road in life, you will, if you aim high enough, also meet resistance... but no matter how tough the opposition may seem, have courage still - and persevere."

Madeleine Albright (1937 - )

"Energy and persistence conquer all things."

Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

Branding Backwards

(Formerly Dnarb's Journey)
A Brand's Odyssey Toward Self Discovery.

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Branding Backwards

Out of the Box Solutions


Helping client partners close profitable sales is our specialty. We start with assessing each team members' strengths and develop tools to help them grow. We create personal, individualized development programs. We develop development programs that impact areas that need improvement.

Next we develop training programs. The leading reason salespeople fail to present new products, complete product offerings is fear. They have a fear of being asked a question they have not been prepared to answer. Thinking ManSales and product training equips teams with the confidence to present current and new products, and close sales. Once trained, we integrate a performance metric that tracks both goals and key indicators that drive increased sales revenues. The (SMP) Sales Management Process coupled with a compensation plan that rewards the appropriate results and equipped, trained team insures sales growth.

"Mark's dedication to achieve successful goals is second to none. His passion to satisfy the voice of the customer leads me, without hesitation, to this endorsement."

Damian Gurri, Supplier Development and Sourcing Mgr., TOMCAR

"During my tenure at VMI I had the pleasure of working closely with Mark. I found him to be a highly motivated, caring, and responsible individual. He is very creative and has great experience and knowledge in the field of sales and marketing. If you are looking for an incredible talent with a "can do" attitude, I would highly recommend Mark."

Mike Jasken, Operations Manager, Cast-N-Stone

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